Tis the season for presidential elections!
I make no apologies for the fact that I exploit the fervor in such a time to introduce my friends to political theology that I’ve found helpful.
As such… I’ll be hosting a very efficient book study that will meet only twice over the next month+. We’ll meet once next week (prior to reading anything) as sort of an introduction to discuss some of the ideas that will be covered in the book. Then we’ll take a month off to finish up the 200 page book (that’s about 6 and half pages a day to keep up). Then we’ll come together again in October to discuss what we’ve read and the thoughts/ideas provoked. I’m also considering a FB group for discussing during the month of reading.
The exact times and dates for the 2 meetings are TBD (though I’m thinking Wednesday evenings).- The first meeting will be 7:15pm on Sunday, September 13th (location TBD in Denton)
I’ll have a signup form soon (probably tomorrow), so look for that if you’re interested.- Signup form below!
- The book: Living in God’s Two Kingdoms: A Biblical Vision for Christianity and Culture
- The author: Dr. David VanDrunen M. Div, Th.M, J.D, Ph.D
(lots of letters to prove you should listen to him…) - The Topic: Natural Law and the Purpose of God’s Covenant with His Common Kingdom, vs His Covenant with His Redemptive Kingdom.
Feel free to fire me any questions over PM. I hope this will be fun AND helpful!